It is throwing bug in Order detail link. and i am using php7.2 and prestashop1.7.7.1 and Please reply it is urgent
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It is throwing bug in Order detail link. and i am using php7.2 and prestashop1.7.7.1 and Please reply it is urgent
Hello, if you wish to report a bug you can do it here
If however you rather need help, you might want to look at https://devdocs.prestashop....
in src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Sell/Order/Order/Blocks/View/details.html.twig (line 115)
</div> </div></div>{% set displayAdminOrderTabLink = renderhook('displayAdminOrderTabLink', {'id_order':}) %}{% set displayAdminOrderTabContent = renderhook('displayAdminOrderTabContent', {'id_order':}) %}
I have problem on backoffice of presta When i open any catalog in menu whole site crashes and console shows that jquery is not defined. How can i repair that ?
I would suggest disable all the modules on your shop and then open catalog. If the catalog opens and does not crashes, it indicates the issue comes from one of the modules installed on your shop.
If this does not help you, you might need to visit https://devdocs.prestashop....
Does this patch fix the extremely mysterious "Can't log into backoffice after fresh install" issues? 1.7.7 is so buggy and very random right now. Worked once and after a bad theme that screwed my whole site and fresh install, I can't access the backoffice at all. Yes using the compatible 7.3. Yes I rolled back to 7.2, still don't work.
Consider cleaning your browser's cookies. A broken cookie might be preventing you from logging in.
Hi, I've installed and found out that "pscleaner" module is not installed and can't be found in Modules catalog. I checked the GitHub page and noticed that it has been archived and it's not going to be maintain anymore. Can I still install that GitHub version and use it? or there is gonna be a new release or I have to delete demo-data manually?
Hello, indeed pscleaner module has been archived and you will find more details in the post . There will be no more releases of this module.
You do not need to use pscleaner module if you use the install option "do not install demo products" (see https://devdocs.prestashop....
If however you installed your shop with demo data, you need to delete the data manually.